Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009


PhRase is a gRoup of reLated WoRds that do not have subject anD pRedicate. Therefore, it CaN noT function as a sentence.

ThE WaY to form nOuN phRase :

  • PrE-ModiFier
e.g = BeautiFuL WoMan

e.g = BooK sToRe

e.g = SwiMming pOoL

e.g = THe WorLd

e.g = Her eYe

e.g = ResT rOoM

  • NouN+PosT-Modifier
e.g = GirL in thE sTore

giRl is NouN anD iN tHe stOre is Post-ModifiEr

e.g = gLass oN tHe TabLe

gLass is NouN and oN thE tabLe is PosT-ModifiEr

  • Pre-ModifieR+NouN+PosT-ModiFieR
e.g = The BoyS oN top oF tHe hoUsE aRe....

HerE The is Pre-Modifier, BoyS is NouN, On toP of The HouSe is PosT-Modifier

  • FunCTioN
  1. aS suBjeCt oF seNtenCe
e.g = The ClasS is very cleaN

2. aS ObJecT of sEnteNce

e.g = Novi is Making a delicious CakE

3. SenTenCe cOmpLement

e.g = OCha is a SmaRt sTudenT

4. objecT of Preposition

e.g = Dea iS iN tHe cLassRooM

Slide 3

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